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Sell with us

Want to have your stickers, zines, pins, pottery, rugs, educational content, or other really cool sell-able product up for sale here? Just fill out the form below to get started! We're always looking for new trans/nonbinary artists and creators to add to our lineup.

TNET Store Vendor Interest Form

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability. Keep in mind that there are a whole fuckton of factors that we take into account when selecting vendors, so filling out this form isn't a guarantee that we'll stock your products (but it's the first step to finding out)!

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(Just for us to get an idea)
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Thanks for submitting! If we think you'd be a good fit, we'll email you  to get the information needed to set you up with us. If we don't think you'd be a good fit, we'll also email you saying as much—we won't leave you hanging :)

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